Bluebird Health Platform
Trusted By

Bluebird is a trusted healthcare platform developed and actively managed by Intelligent Medical Systems (Pty) Ltd.
For more than 25 years we have focussed on developing systems that improve clinical care in hospitals in Southern Africa. In order to facilitate hospital care we also provide and manage complementary services for the entire South African healthcare ecosystem. These complementary services include applications for doctor’s practices, nursing homes, public health and a single digital patient record (SDPR) available to all South African citizens.
Unlike many EHRs that are designed primarily to maximize billing, Bluebird was specifically designed to make patient care safer and clinical documentation easier. Clinicians (including nurses at handover) are quickly orientated by Bluebird’s intuitive User Interface. Doctor’s orders are converted into nursing work lists (WL) and the timely completion of each WL item by the nurse responsible is monitored and managed to conclusion. Where useful, embedded checklists (guardrails) help ensure that the baseline of clinical care is consistently raised. This is particularly important if the nurse has less experience in a specific unit (think agency nurses). Checklists are embedded into medication administration, surgical management, ICU and general nursing care as well as speciality modules such as ER, Oncology, Labour & Delivery and Care of the Newborn. Both Admission and Discharge are standardized processes. Real time vitals drive the Bluebird early warning system (EWS), while various standardized risk profiles (fall, pain, pressure sore…) evaluate and drive enhanced individualized care. Clinical decision support (CDS) for both doctors and nurses is available as required.
While the Bluebird Hospital EHR is most powerful as an integrated platform, modules may be purchased individually. As an example, the infection control and antibiotic stewardship modules were purchased by Netcare and very successfully run as stand alone modules for a decade.
Bluebird offers tools to help Doctors be more efficient. These tools are: Integrated eLab Results,Window to the Ward, EHR and Bluebird Mobile. While the Bluebird Doctor EHR is at it's most powerful as an integrated platform, modules may be acquired individually starting with those that are available at no charge.
Nursing Homes
Bluebird is a proven, cloud based, EHR with embedded clinical decision support that can, almost instantly, empower your long term care (LTC) facility with an advanced solution that will facilitate documentation, enhance Quality and Safety initiatives, provide guidance, comply with Regulatory Mandates and enable Remote Executive Oversight at a regional and national level.
Bluebird requires no server hardware and minimal IT support by your institution. Importantly, Bluebird can function as a stand alone program enabling LTC facilities without existing IT solutions or infrastructure to benefit from advanced patient safety initiatives including infection control and antimicrobial stewardship.
Public Health
Surveillance of communicable diseases is public health's most important task. Bluebird supplies a national tracking system for both COVID-19 and key multi-drug resistant organisms (MRSA, VRE, LRE, C Diff, ESBL, CRE, CRAB, CRPA and C.Auris.). This provides public health (or hospital groups or long term care groups) with a central command centre to proactively manage infection risk in near real time.
Bluebird’s Comprehensive Surveillance System was Specifically Designed to Standardize, Operationalize and Enhance Public Safety.
Why the South African Department of Health chose Bluebird
Imperial College Bluebird Public Health Webinar
The scalability and robustness of this cutting edge, cloud based, solution was battle tested during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa where Bluebird provided an emergency service for the National Department of Health which enabled government to gather real-time COVID-19 data from all labs and hospitals in South Africa. This empowered the NDoH to manage and redistribute resources, investigate potential cases and follow up. Bluebird also powered the national Track and Trace system administered by our national TELCO. Unlike systems in many other countries the Bluebird solution never missed a beat.
Bluebird Provides:
Standardized, real time surveillance of key organisms including COVID-19, CRE and Candida Auris.
Granular Geolocation of those isolates down to a local level
Sophisticated data visualization
Reliably receiving laboratory results is mission critical for both doctors and medical facilities (hospitals and especially their ICUs). Bluebird is the most reliable service a lab can provide to ensure their clients receive all their electronic results, on time, with a minimum of fuss.
Even large pathology groups with large IT resources typically do not actively manage this process to conclusion and it is not cost effective for smaller laboratories to try.
Active management of this process as well as providing a single pipe (API) for all results, irrespective of the laboratory, is what differentiates Bluebird from all other lab result services in Southern Africa.
Our unblemished 30 year history as well as our near real time service have made Bluebird the trusted lab result service. So trusted that during the pandemic, the NDoH contracted Bluebird to be the conduit for every Covid result from every lab in South Africa. Not only are we able to actively manage the process, we can do this safely and at a massive scale! Why would your lab wish to take on this medico-legal liability when Bluebird is an established, trusted, cost effective service?
Ensuring that each lab result ordered is received, protecting patient privacy, normalizing data and actively managing the process so that every laboratory your doctors use is included are tasks that Bluebird has managed flawlessly for almost 30 years. Bluebird has received international recognition for their service, first in 2007 from the American Academy of Family Medicine and most recently from the Leading Hospital Safety Network based at Imperial College London. That lecture is available here:
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The Bluebird Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR) was designed to facilitate interoperability and secure sharing of core Personal Health Information (cPHI). It provides a current summary of that patient's core health information. Bluebird does this by aggregating core e-health information from multiple trusted sources such as doctors, hospitals, labs, radiologists and creating a summary of that patient's most up to date clinical data. The Bluebird SDPR is an intelligent data repository powered by internationally endorsed open data standards (including the FHIR open API standard for health records).
During the recent COVID-19 emergency in South Africa, Bluebird provided a COVID-19 specific SDPR to the National Department of Health for six months while their IT systems were being upgraded. This confirmed the scalability and robustness of the Bluebird SDPR on a national level.
By facilitating data flow across the health system Bluebird empowers better clinical outcomes and data-driven decision-making.
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